

作者:qxsi   2022-07-07 07:07:15  点击:36

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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Social status should be awarded on the amount of wealth an individual has rather than on the skills and experience a person has gained.   People's views on the criteria for judging one's social status vary from person to person. Some people think that social status should be awarded on the amount of wealth an individual has while others hold that it should be based on the skills and experience a person has gained. As to me, I argue that one's social status should be awarded on his contribution to society. Therefore, I'm more in favor of the second view. The following are the reasons for my personal inclination.   First, using the amount of wealth one has as a criterion is not scientific. While it is true that some successful people have accumulated a large fortune through their own hard work and great effort, thus well deserving a high social status, it is also true that some others merely become rich by inheriting fortunes from their parents. There are even cases of people becoming rich through dishonest and illegal dealings. If these people are awarded high social status, then the virtue of hard work would have no place in our society.   Second, more often than not, social status simply cannot be judged by the amount of wealth an individual owns or has accumulated. A simple example can well illustrate this point. We all have read about or heard of quite a few people who were reported to have sacrificed their own lives when they were trying to save others from danger:   fire, drowning and so on. They might not be rich before they died, yet, can you say that they do not deserve the respect of the whole society? And in line with this way of reasoning, can you say that they do not deserve a high social status?   Third, social status should be granted on the contribution one has made to society. In light of this criterion, scientists, doctors, nurses, teachers, the average workers, charity people, and even dustmen, should enjoy a higher social status, and therefore, should be held in high respect by the whole society. The reason is simple-it is through their selfless work and contribution that our life has become better and better.   To conclude, social status should not be awarded by simply looking at how much wealth one has amassed in his lifetime. Social status is, in fact, a public recognition and evaluation of one's ability, reputation, and one's dignity as a human being. It is, therefore, more of something spiritual than material. So to speak, it should be judged by certain spiritual standards like one's contribution to the common interest of mankind and should in no way be assessed in terms of money or wealth.   广州环球雅思北美学院资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以广州环球雅思北美学院为您提供关于社会地位的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   大家对于判断一个人社会地位的标准的看法因人而异,一些人认为社会地位应该按照一个人拥有的财富量来判定,然而另外一些人认为社会地位应建立在个人所获得的技能和经验上。就我而言,我认为社会地位的高低应建立在对社会贡献的大小上面。所以,我更赞成后者的意见,下面便是我个人倾向的原因。   首先,将个人拥有的财富量作为判断标准是不科学的。虽然一些成功人士是通过努力工作积聚了大笔财富,因而应该得到高的社会地位,但也有一些人仅仅靠继承家产变得富有,甚至还有一部分人通过不诚实的违法勾当而变得富有。如果这一些人也享有很高的社会地位的话,那么勤奋工作这一美德在我们的社会中将没有容身之所。   其次,社会地位就是不能简单地通过个人拥有或积聚的财富量来判断。一个简单的例子便能够很好地说明这一点。我们都读过或听说过不少人被报道在努力从大火、洪水等危险中拯救他人时牺牲了自己的生命。他们在死前或许并不富有,但是,你能说他们配不上整个社会的尊敬吗?同样道理,难道你能说他们不该拥有较高的社会地位吗?   第三,社会地位应根据个人对社会做出的贡献来评定。根据这一标准,科学家、医生、护士、老师、工人、慈善人士,甚至清洁工,都应该享有较高的社会地位。因此,他们应该受到全社会的尊敬。原因很简单-就是他们无私的工作和贡献才使得我们的生活越来越美好。   总之,财富量不应作为判断社会地位的标准。实际上,社会地位是公众对一个人的能力、名声和作为人的尊严的承认和评价。因此,它更侧重精神层面的东西,而不是物质方面的。这样说来,它就应该通过比如某个人为人类的共同利益做出的贡献这样的某些精神方面的标准来判定,而不应该按照金钱和财富来断定。