

作者:qxsi   2022-07-07 23:01:11  点击:21

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  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,广州朗阁雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于孩子的教育方式的雅思作文范文。 [图片0]
  Due to different aptitudes. students display diverse levels of efficiency in acquiring knowledge. which poses a thorny problem of how to treat intelligent students and common ones in the same class. If students who can absorb knowledge more quickly are taught together. maybe they will make an outstanding achievement, or the result is notsatisfactory.   It is rather difficult and unrealistic for schools to design suitable curricula which can cater for the needs of diverse students. By contrast, if students are divided into distinctive classes where students with similar IQ study together. teachers are capable of adjusting teaching timetable to students' realistic conditions. For intelligent students, the materials in,一illed should be more challenging than the average ones. and only in this way can theirlearning efficiency be maximized. Meanwhile common students will not suffer from too much pressure in order to keep tip with the rest of the class when in the same class with those prodigies. Obviously, this practice of class division is a win-win situation forevery one.   Of course. there are some potential hazards if students are separated from each other only based on different intelligence. Always regarded as the apples of teachers' eye, those smart students tend to develop superiority complex. which is really a great barrier togreater success after their stepping into society. Similarly, students who are not as smart as others will cultivate inferiority complex and lose the motivation to make more efforts. In my opinion. however. so long levels and provide them with teachers communicate more with students on various correct guidelines. the above-mentioned threats can be avoided.   My view is that the it is highly beneficial to teach students according to their individual sake of selecting more talents and cultivating students scientifically, the practice should be popularized as much as possible.

  由于不同的能力,学生具有不同的学习效率。那么如何在同一个班内教育不同聪明程度的孩子就是个棘手的问题。如果吸收知识快的孩子一起接受教育.他们可能会取得更好的成绩,或者也可能结果并不尽如人意。   学校希望制定出能够满足各种学生要求的大纲。这非常困难而且不太现实。相反,如果相似智商的孩子们共同学习,老师可以根据他们的实际情况调整教学安排。与普通孩子相比,对于智商高的孩子.教授的内容应该更有挑战性。只有这样,他们的学习效率才能大化。同时,其他的孩子也不会因和那些天才一起学习而感到太多的压力。很明显,这种分班的做法对于每个孩子来说都是双赢的。   当然。根据不同智商划分学生也存在潜在的危险。由于总是被老师宠爱.那些聪明的孩子很可能会有高高在上的感觉。这是他们进人社会后想要继续成功时会面临的巨大绊脚石。相同的道理,那些不如其他孩子聪明的就会有自卑情结,失去努力超越的动力。然而,我认为,只要老师经常与学生沟通,提供正确的指导思想,以上的危险都可以避免。   我的观点是根据学生不同的能力教授知识有很大的好处。为了选出更多的人才,更加合理地培养学生,这种做法应该大力推广。
