

作者:qxsi   2022-07-07 23:23:23  点击:28

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  It is supposed that policemen with weapons can better protect common people against potential dangers from increasing social crimes. In the UK, there is a different situation where police patrol without any weapons, and perhaps this practice seems surprising to most tourists from other countries. Inevitably, a spirited debate arises.   As a strong deterrent to social offences, the police should be equipped with advanced guns to guarantee social security. No doubt that world-wide financial crisis has caused an alarming increase in unemployment, which contributes to the sharp jump in social crimes.   Furthermore, those cruel criminals are usually heavily-armed, posing a serious threat to other people's safety including policemen themselves. As a result, if the conflict between criminals and the police occurs. the latter will be more prone to the attack, not to mention to protect the public interests.   Of course, police carrying guns contain justified worry. To err is human, so do those people who stand for justice and law. If policemen with arms are drunk or lose their hot temper in a quarrel with other unarmed common people. it is highly likely that they will turn into murders and guns serve as tools to threaten other people's safety. Moreover,depending on weapons to solve social crimes is likely to bring out street fighting, thus causing severe injuries to passers-by. In my opinion. however, before serving。,eligible policemen, they have to undergo strict training both physically and psychologically. so those undesirable phenomena is unlikely to take place.   All in all, my view is that only by advanced weapons can the police maximize the efficiency of cracking down on crimes. Meanwhile, it is essential to strengthen the self-control of police officers to ensure no malpractice.

  人们普遍认为配备武器的替察可以更好地保护老百姓免于日益增加的社会犯那的危害。而英国却有一番不同的景象:警察不佩枪,这也使其他国家的游客觉得很惊奇。不可避免地,一场激烈的争论随之而来。   警察,作为对社会犯罪的有力震慑.应该配备先进的武器确保社会安全。世界范围的金融危机造成了失业的急剧增加,这也使犯罪率递升。况且,那些穷凶极恶的歹徒通常拥有重武器.不光普通的老百姓.甚至警察自身的安全都难以得到保障。一旦发生冲突,警察很容易受到攻击.更别提保护公共的利益了。   当然,警察佩枪也有一些隐患.人非圣贤,孰能无过。即使警察象征着正义与法律,也会犯带。持械的警察一旦喝醉,或与其他手无寸铁的人争吵,他们很有可能成为凶犯.路人面临严重伤害的危险。枪支变成了危及他人安全的行凶工具。更进一步说.依靠枪支解决社会犯罪极有可能引发街头枪战,。然而,我认为成为合格警察之前,他们都会接受严格的生理与心理的训练.所以那些不尽如人意的现象不太可能发生。   总之.我认为只有装备先进的武器,警方才可以大效率地打击犯罪.同时,应当加强替察的自律.杜绝任何读职的发生。
