

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 00:15:52  点击:32

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  It has been almost forty years since Armstrong proudly uttered, "That's one small step for a man. one giant leap for mankind. "Indeed, it is worthwhile to celebrate such a feat for human beings since space research, like moon-landing was totally unbelievable in the past. Some people, however, maintain that life is the same without any dramaticchange. I strongly doubt the validity of this statement.   Without the exploration of unknown places. human beings can never solve the alarming energy crisis thoroughly. Economic development around the world has accelerated the demand for energy substantially, which leads to resources crisis on the earth. If there is no petrol. coal or natural gas for humans, then the day of destruction will not be a fairy tale. Space research provides mankind with chances of locating new resources, such as water and minerals indispensable to humans.   Moreover, successful research in outer space stimulates people to be more adventurous, and that valuable spirit is essential to historical advance. From barbarian states to modern civilizations. no progress can be achieved without exploring unknown places and the invention of airplanes is a case in point. If humans, who have long yearned to fly in the sky like birds, fail to engage themselves in daunting experiments, it is not hard to imagine that long-distance travel can only be realized in people's wildest dreams.   Indeed. space research means tremendous investment from national purse, causing people's great alarm. It is not a secret that billions of money has to be spent ensuring a successful launch of satellites or spacecrafts. The possibility of new resources and the boost to people's morale, however, justify such a considerable input.   Obviously, only through space research can people live a better life. Meanwhile. it is a must that一his research should not serve a military purpose, and benefiting humans is the prerequisite.

  距今将近40年前.阿穆斯特朗骄傲地宜布:“我踏出的一小步,对人类来说是一大步。”的确,这是人类值得庆祝的盛事。要知道在过去登月是完全无法想象的。然而,一些人坚持认为生活一如既往.没有太多显著的变化。我完全怀疑这种说法的正确性。   没有探索未知领域的活动,人类就无法完全解决令人警惕的能源危机.全球经济发展加速了对能浑的极大需求.这直接导致了地球上的能派危机。如果人类没有汽油、煤炭或天然气.那么毁灭就不是童话。太空研究为人类提供了发现新能旅的机会,像水、矿物质等对人类不可或缺的能源。   而且,成功的外层空间研究激励人们更加具有胃险梢神,这种精神对于历史的进步是不可或缺的。从蛮荒到文明.没有哪一次进步不是通过探索未知领城完成的,其中飞机的发明很好地证明了这一点。长久以来.人类都渴望像鸟儿一样在天空飞翔。如果人们不投身到那些充满困难的试验中,可以想象.长途旅行是水远不可能实现的。   的确,太空研究意味着国库的巨大开支.这不可避免地引起人们极大的警惕.众所周知.一次卫星成飞船的成功发射愈味着几十亿的投资。然而.有可能发现新的能源以及人们士气的提高使我们相信这笔投资是值得的。   很明显.只有通过太空研究.人们才能过上真正幸福的生活。同时,必须确保太空研究是用于造福人类,而不是军事的目的.

  词汇   ·locating new resources 找到新资源。locate发理.找到,很正式的用法。   .the boost to people's morale,促进人们的士气.boost sb.'s confidence/ego提高自信/白我。
  句式   .Some people, however, maintain that life is the same without any dramatic change.:however/nonetheless/nevertheless放在退号之间.会使句式更加地道,不会语气突兀.   ·If there is no petrol. coal or natural gas for humans, then the day of destruction Will not be a fairy talc. : If.... then...如果·……那么.....肯定推断语气.用在展开论证主毯句时非常有力度。