

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 03:08:46  点击:45

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  Participating in sports is important to physical health as well as spiritual health and social development. Do you agree?

  In China, people keep fit by participating in different sports including running, walking, cycling, playing badminton, tennis, table tennis, football, and so on. Most of them think that participating in sports is important to physical health only and has nothing to do with spiritual health and social development. Some even claim that participating in sports has negative effects on spiritual health and social development. However, in my opinion, it is beneficial to physical health as well as spiritual health and social development as a whole despite of some negative effects it has brought.
  Firstly, participating in sports can develop one' s temperament and character spiritually. For example, if a person goes in for a kind of sport in which a team is involved, he needs to learn how to cooperate with other team members and how to adjust himself in an emergency. In addition, participating in sports can cultivate one' s sense of honor and dignity. Athletes taking part in Olympic Games are such examples and those who have won the games are admired as heroes of the nation.
  Furthermore, participating in sports can hold people together and thus can indirectly stimulate the social development. Because sports are activities in which all participants enjoy absolute equality without any discrimination in any aspect, they can hold together people of different strata in society. As for professional athletes,it is also important for them to pay attention to their own education or cultural study; otherwise they will become spiritually unhealthy and intellectually barren men. It is not the fault of participating in sports though.
  Therefore, it is not difficult for us to come to the conclusion that physical exercises bring us great benefits. People from all walks of life should be encouraged to take up some kind of sports to help maintain a physically and mentally sound body and enrich their lives.   佛山英语资深老师认为,雅思范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以佛山英语为您提供关于体育锻炼的雅思作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   在中国,人们保持身体健康总是喜欢参加不同的体育运动,包括跑步、散步、骑自行车、打羽毛球、网球、桌球、踢足球等等。他们大部分的人认为参加体育运动仅仅对于身体健康很重要,但对于精神健康和社会发展却没有任何作用。一些人甚至认为参加体育运动会对精神健康和社会发展产生消极的影响。不管怎样,依我看来,总体上说尽管体育运动会带来一些消极影响,但是还是会有利于身体健康、精神健康和社会发展。
  所以,我们不难得出结论体育运动带给我们很多的好处。我们应该鼓励从事不同行业的人参加体育运动,从而有利于帮助他们保持身心健康并且丰富他们的生活。   佛山英语认为,雅思写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习。佛山英语小编希望本篇关于体育锻炼的雅思作文范文能给大家有所启发。