

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 05:28:56  点击:32

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  托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,武汉易藤教育小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于互联网信息的托福作文范文。 [图片0]
  What is the weather going to be like tomorrow in Beijing, China? Where did the Scottish bagpipes originate? What is Aristotle famous for? How many Euros equal one dollar?   To answer such questions in the "old" days一BI (Before the Internet)-a person would have to track down various sources in different physical places. The questioner, for example, would need to actually visit a local library to locate a world almanac (to predictBeijing's weather) or an encyclopedia (for the bagpipes' or Aristotle's history), or drive to a bank for the Euro equivalency. Now all of these questions (and millions more) can be accessed easily and swiftly from any computer connected to the Internet, from (almostliterally) any place in the world. Such a treasure trove of instant information is surely one of the most impressive and most useful developments of the last 20 years.   And yet, there is also an unending supply of useless, and often outright dangerous,information to be had from a few clicks of the keyboard. Users can fritter their time away for hours reading banal postings from their "friends" on Facebook. ("I just made some soup and now I think I'll take a nap.") They can download the "Stumbleupon" tool bar and spend the day lurching randomly from one site to another. More darkly, they can spend days and nights learning how to make a bomb, or adding to the political vitriol that is posted everywhere on the Web.   Access to information has always caused problems. Dissatisfied members of the Roman Catholic Church may have kept their complaints to themselves for much longer had Martin Luther not started the Protestant Reformation by "publishing" his 95 Theses by nailing them on the door of the church in Wittenburg. The slave-owning southernersin the US could not have been too happy when Harriet Beecher Stowe's book, Uncle Tom's Cabin incited 19th-century northerners to solidify their objections to the institution of slavery and consider the idea of a civil war. And just about every Bible-reading churchgoer was horrified by what Charles Darwin hypothesized in his Origin of Species (1859). Yes,information can be very dangerous.   As free people, however, it is up to us to use resources such as the Internet wisely; it is not for our governments to tell us what we can read or what we can learn. A little knowledge may indeed be a dangerous thing, but a broad understanding of the world and how it works will surely contribute to the common good in the long run.

  中国北京明天的天气如何?苏格兰风笛的起源地是哪里?亚里上多德因什么而出名?欧元与美元的汇率是多少?   在“旧”时代—旧时代(指在网络信息时代之前),要回答这些问题,我们可能需要跑很多地方,查阅大量信息。例如,发问者可能需要到当地图书馆查阅世界年鉴来预测北京的天气情况;或者查阅百科全书,了解风笛或亚里士多德的历史;为了了解欧元兑美元的汇率,还得开车去银行。但是现在,从世界的任何地方的任意一台连接了网络的电脑上,所有这些问题(以及大量更多的问题)都可以轻易快捷地几乎一字不差地找到答案。毫无疑问,网络这个即时的宝藏是过去20年来令人惊叹、有用的发展之一。   可是,网络同时也不停地给网民提供无数无用且往往危险的信息,而这些信息往往敲几下键盘就可以轻易得到。有些网民可能会浪费几个小时在facebook网上浏览朋友没多大意义的帖子。(“我刚煲了汤,现在打算小睡一会儿。”)他们也可能会下载“网页推荐引擎”之类的工具栏,然后整天漫无日的地到各网站浏览。更可怕的是,他们可能会不分昼夜地学习怎么制作炸弹,或者加人网络上到处都是的恶意攻击政治的大军。   掌握信息总是会引发一些问题。如果马丁·路德没有发动新教改革,通过钉在韦登伯的教堂大门上发表他的《九十五条论纲》,那么不满的罗马天主教会成员会更久地将埋怨咽到自己的肚子里。当比彻·斯托夫出版《汤姆叔叔的小屋》激励19世纪的北方人团结起来反对奴隶制度,考虑发动美国内战时,那些美国南方蓄奴主肯定笑不出来。而几乎每个阅读圣经的教徒都会因为查尔斯·达尔文在《物种起源》(1859)中的假设而无比惊恐。所以,是的,信息可能非常危险。   但是,作为自由人,明智利用例如互联网之类的资源完全取决于我们自己;而不是政府来告诉我们去读什么或者学什么。一知半解可能的确是一件危险的事情,但是对世界及其运行法则广泛地了解,将一定会有助于保障人类长远的共同利益。