

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 05:33:22  点击:26

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  "Success is a science," Oscar Wilde once said. "If you have the conditions, you get the result." What conditions must be present for a person to work diligently and productively? According to renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs;' our first required condition is physiological-we need food, water, and oxygen just to exist. But next up on the pyramid is the concept of "safety“一,"security of body,employment, resources, morality, the family, health, property." In a person's professional career, the need for "safety" is paramount if the worker is to be both satisfied andproductive. Hence, it is a company's duty to offer new employees a place to work for the rest of their lives.   For one thing, an employee who feels secure in his or her job will be more likely to work smarter, not harder. With the freedom of security, an employee can devote his or her time to devising creative solutions to knotty problems, without fear that one failure will lead to severance. For example, many organizations institute some kind of"suggestion box" by which they encourage employees to speak up when they see a need for a change. An insecure employee is certainly not going to share any negative criticisms with managers who have the power of reprisal. Secure workers, on the other hand, will be much more likely to openly broach their concerns to upper management.   Such a sense of security also results in another critical characteristic of successful companies: employee loyalty. When the secure worker solves a problem or designs an innovative product, he or she is much less likely to take that novel idea and sell it to another company. Likewise, if the company is going through bad times, employee loyalty will have a major impact on how quickly the company bounces back from an economic downturn.
  Of course, there is no guarantee that any company-whether it promises its employees job security or not-will always be able to make good on that pledge. (Just imagine how the loyal employees of Enron felt in 2001 when their CEO Kenneth Lay announced that the company was bankrupt and their life savings were gone.) Nevertheless, a company must at least attempt to provide its employees with life一long job security, else why consider working there at all?


  “成功是一门科学,”英国作家奥斯卡·王尔德曾经说过,“如果具备相应的条件,就可以获得相应的结果。”想让一个人勤奋工作并富有成效,需要什么样的条件呢?根据知名心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的“需求层次理论”,我们的第一需求是生理需求一一我们需要生活所需的食物、水和氧气。但是生理需求的上一层是安全需求一一人身、工作、资源、道德、家庭、健康和财产的安全。在一个人的职业生涯中,如果他既要满意又要卓有成效,那么安全需求对他而言是非常重要的。所以,终生雇用员工是公司的责任。   首先,工作得到了保障的员工会更巧妙地工作,而不只是埋头苦干。在安全的自由空间里,员工就可以花时问去寻找难题的解决办法,而不必担心因为失败而被炒鱿鱼。例如,很多机构都设立了“意见箱”,他们希望通过这个鼓励员工在发现需要改变的地方的时候勇于提出意见。一个对自己的工作没有安全感的员工不会去向有权力报复他的上司做任何负面的批评。另一方面,对自己的工作有安全感的员工更有可能向管理层表达他们对企业的忧虑。   这种安全感也会铸就成功企业的另一个关键特性:员工的忠诚。当有安全感的员工想出了一个解决方案或者设计了一个创新项目,他/她将不大可能把这种新点子卖给另一家公司。同样地,如果公司陷人了运营的困境,员工忠诚度就会变成影响公司“起死回生”速度的主要因素。   当然,不管是否承诺给员工保障,公司都可能无法确保如承诺时的那样好。(当安然公司执行总裁肯尼思·雷在2001年宣布公司破产时.那些忠诚的员工一生的积蓄付诸东流,试想一下他们的感受是怎样的?)尽管如此,公司至少得试着给员工提供终生有保障的工作,否则为什么还要考虑在那里工作?