

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 10:01:51  点击:28

未认证 谨防假冒!


  考研英语重要的三个部分,真题,单词,加作文。作文一般是考试前一两个月开始背的,背的太早容易忘记,考前一个月比较好每天写篇英语作文练练笔,找找感觉,抄一些经典的范文,抄一些经典的句式,找一些不常用的短语,难的句式,很加分的。下面是广州文都考研小编为您整理的关于醉酒驾车的考研英语作文范文。 [图片0]   What a scary and sensational scene it is! As is vividlydepicted in the picture above. there is a glass of liquid withthe Chinese character "A (wine)" on it. Beside the wineglass. the car wreck is on the scene with the front badlydamaged. the oil flowing everywhere and the auto safetyglass broken into pieces.
  I1ie profound meaning of the vivid picture can heelaborated in terms of the awareness of both security andsocial responsibility. Firstly. the consciousness of safetyshould be one of our top priorities. Life is a one-wayjourney and you cannot experience it twice. So life is to be respected and awed. Secondly. to be a responsible memberof the society. each of us should hear social responsibility.
  We should be always aware that we have no right to claimother's lives as a result of our careless behavior. leavingtheir families and relatives with endless deep grief or greatliving burden.
  To stint up. it is imperative that relevant departmentsshould enforce the law at all times and in all places. leavingno gaps of which violators can take advantage. Besides. themass media. such as TV. radio and website. should worktogether to enhance people's awareness of security and thesense of responsibility to reduce the rate of traffic accident.
  这是一个多么可怕而触目惊心的场景!上图栩栩如生地画有一玻璃杯液体.杯上刻有汉字“洒”。酒杯旁边,现场是汽车残骸.汽车前部严重损坏。汽油流淌一 地.汽车安全玻璃碎落一地。
  这幅生动的图画的深刻含义可以从安全意识和社会责任感方而来阐释。首先.安全意识应该是我们需要重视的首要问题。生命是一次单程旅行。你不能经历两 次生命。所以我们应该敬重生命、敬畏生命。其次.作为一个具有责任心的社会成员.我们每个人都应该去承担社会责任。我们要时刻意识到.我们无权因为自己的 粗心大意而剥夺他人的生命.
  总之,有关部门要随时随地执行法律.让违法者无缝可钻。此外,电视、广播、网站等大众媒体应该共同努力来提高人们的安全意识.增强人们的责任感.以降 低交通事故发生的概率。