

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 12:12:16  点击:30

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  Over the last several years, along with the rapid development of economy, an increasing number of parents have been sending their children to study abroad. A majority of people hold the view that study abroad brings students many benefi s, while others are of the opinion that students should finish university education in their motherland. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.   People, who advocate that study abroad has a lot of disadvantages, have their sound reasons. First of all, living far away from home, students will suffer from loneliness and homesickness. Overseas students often feel disoriented and depressed for lack of adequate knowledge and understanding of the local customs and lifestyle. Secondly, many students do not want to return to their native country after graduation because most of them want to seek a more comfortable life and a brighter future overseas. This may result in a serious brain-drain and our country will inevitably incur a huge loss of talents.   To this issue, some other people hold a different attitude, arguing that students should go abroad to study. To begin with, it can broaden the students' vision. They get a chance to experience a totally different culture. The knowledge of social customs acquired in the other countries helps them to become more open-minded. Next, there are academic advantages. Students can learn advanced science and technology. They receive a different education. The book resources are more up-to-date. The professors are aware of all the latest development in their fields. Therefore the standard of teaching is much , when they finish their study abroad, they will have more choices for their futurecareer. All the above merits are conducive to their self-betterment and self-realization.   For my part, I stand on the latter opinion that while overseas study has its drawbacks, the advantages are more obvious. It can broaden one's horizon. Students have easy access to the first-rate facilities and the latest development in science and technology. In addition,when they finish their study, they have more job opportunities. Therefore, as long as it is financially feasible, an overseas education may do a person more good than harm.

  近年来,随着经济的发展,越来越多的父母送他们的孩子出国留学。很多人认为出国留学会给学生带来很多好处,也有人认为学生应该在本国完成大学学业。背景环境不同,对出国留学的看法自然也不同。   认为出国留学有很多弊端的人理由充分。首先,离家在外,孩子要承受孤单寂寞和想家的痛苦。只身国外,人地生疏,留学生常会感到迷茫和沮丧。另外,很多学生毕业后不想回国,因为他们中的大多数人想在国外追求更加舒适的生活和更加光明的未来,这就会导致严乖的人才流失,使我们的国家不可避免地遭受巨大的人才损失。   对于这个问题,其他的人有不同的看法,他们认为学生应该出国留学。首先,它可以拓宽学生的眼界。留学使他们有机会体验完全不同的文化。在国外学习的有关社会风俗的知识使他们的思想更开明。第二,学术上的优势。学生可以学到尖端的科学和技术。他们接受到完全不同的教育,拥有更新的书籍资源,接触到深谙领域前沿科技的导师。因此,教学水平会更高。第三,一旦他们在国外完成了学业,他们未来在事业上也会有更多的选择。上述所有的优势都有助于他们的自我完善和自我实现。   依我看来,我赞成后一观点:虽然去国外学习有些弊端,但是优势是更明显的。它会拓宽我们的眼界。学生可以接触到一流的设备和新的科学技术知识。当他们完成了学业,会有更多的工作机会。因此.只要在经济上允许,出国留学还是利大于弊的。
