

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 15:19:08  点击:50

未认证 谨防假冒!



  1 .I like to buy some cosmetics.   我想买点化妆品   2. Here are some samples of our products.   这儿有我们一些产品的样品。   3. This cream will soften up your skin.   这种而霜会使你的皮肤变得柔软。   4. Can this face cream smooth away wrinkles?   这种面霜能去皱纹吗?   5. This cream is best spread on the face at night.   这种面霜比较好晚上抹在脸上。   6. The effect would be better if used with extract.   配合精华素使用效果会更佳。   7. My skin is very sensitive. Do you have trial samples that I cantry first?   我的皮肤很敏感,你们有试用品可以让我先试用一下吗?   8. Do you have any foundations for summer?   你们有夏天用的粉底吗?   9. The gentle formula keeps skin soft and healthy.   配方温和,能保持皮肤柔软、健康。    need to get my mother some Chanel.   我要买些香奈儿的产品送给我妈妈。    you show me how to put on this eye shadow?   你可以示范给我看怎么用这些眼影吗?    you prefer a lipstick in a light shade?   你用淡一点的属膏好吗?    my skin is allergic to the product, can I bring it back for arefund?   如果我的皮肤对那个产品过敏,我可以拿回来退吗?    you have the same color lipstick as in the gift package thatcan try?   你们有和赠品中颜色一样的唇膏可以让我试用吗?

  Saleswoman: What can I do for you?   Jane: Yes, it's my first visit here. I need to get my mother some Chanel.   Saleswoman: Please look at these. All of these are from Chanel.   Jane: Wow! Too many to choose.   Saleswoman: I recommend this.   Jane: The smell is nice. Is it a typical Paris perfume?   Saleswoman: Yes. This kind of perfume is elegant in smell and thefragrance lasts long.   Jane: OK. Could you get me the oz bottle?   Saleswoman: That will be my pleasure. I'll wrap the perfume up in a gift box for you, too.   Jane: Thank you for your consideration.

  店员:您想买什么?   简:我是第一次来这儿,我要买些香奈儿的产品送给我妈妈。   店员:请看这些!都是香奈儿的产品。   简:哇,这么多!太难选了。   店员:我建议您选这种。   简:闻起来不错。这是典型的法国香水吗?   店员:是的。这种香水气味很高雅,芳香持久!   简:好的。买一瓶盎司的吧。   店员:好的。我也会帮您把香水用礼盒包起来的。   简:谢谢您细心的帮助。