

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 15:35:47  点击:25

未认证 谨防假冒!




  Sato: Hi there. Are you Japanese?   Lee: No. I'm Chinese. I'm from Beijing.   Sato: My name's Sato. I'm from Tokyo.   Lee: I'm Lee, nice to meet you.   Sato: I was just looking for the registry. I need to register for my ... is this the right place?   Lee: Yes. That's right. I think it's going to take a while though.   Sato:Mmm…and I have to get my accommodation too…it's a bitcomplicated, isn't it?   Lee: Brrr... the weather's cold for September, isn't it?   Sato: Yes…I didn't think it'd be so cold at this time of the year.   Lee: Mmm... which course are you doing?   Sato: Development Studies.   Lee: Wow. So am I. So I guess we'll be seeing more of each other.   Sato: Yes, I suppose we will. Is that an "A to Z" you've got there? Could I borrow it, please? I need to find out where my accommodation is.   Lee: Sure... here you are.
  佐藤:你好。你是日本人吗?   李:不.我是中国人,来自北京。   佐藤:顺便介绍一下,我是佐藤,来自东京。   李:我是李,很高兴见到你。   佐藤:我在找学籍注册办公室。我得登记我的课程。你看是这儿吗?   李:对,就是这儿。但我估计排到窗口还得有一会儿呢。   佐藤:可不.而且我还得去办理住宿手续,真够复杂的。   李:是啊!这儿9月的天气够冷的,对吧?   佐藤:是啊,我没想到一年的这个时候会这么冷。   李:嗯,你是学什么的?   佐藤:发展学。   李:哇,我也是。看来我们会经常见而了。   佐藤:嗯,我想我们会的。你拿的是《新生指南》吗?能借给我看看吗?我想要看看我的宿舍在哪儿。   李:当然可以,给你。

  Student: How do I find out when I'm supposed to register?   Registered consultant: It depends on your major. What's your major?   Student: English.   Registered consultant: Just look in your class schedule and find the time and dates of registration.   Student: Oh, I see. Since I'm a sophomore, I can register between 10 and 12 . on Wednesday, the 25th.   Registered consultant: Yes, and you should get there early so you can be the first in line.       学生:我怎样才能知道什么时候注册?   注册咨询员:这要看你的主修课,你主修什么?   学生:英文。   注册咨询员:看看课程表,可找到注册的日期和时间。   学生:我知道了,我是二年级学生,我能在25号星期三上午10点到12点去注册。   注册咨询员:是的.你应该早去,以便排在第一位。