

作者:qxsi   2022-07-08 17:47:37  点击:27

未认证 谨防假冒!


请求约会时常用的短语 [图片0]
  1 .Are you going to be busy this evening?
你今晚有空吗?   2. I wonder if it would be convenient for you to meet us tomorrow.   不知您明天是否方便见我们?   3. I wonder if it would be convenient to meet you at 9:00 tomorrow morning.   不知明早九点钟您是否方便?   4. I'd like to call on you this Friday.   我想周五拜访您。   5. I'd like to drop by this afternoon to talk over my plan.   我想今天下午找您谈谈我的计划。
  6. Could you come to my place sometime this weekend?   你能不能周末找个时间来我这里?   7. Would you make an appointment for me?   您可以给我安排个约会吗?   8. Do you have any plans for this weekend?   周末有什么打算吗?   9. Can I see you in your office at four this afternoon?   今天下午四点去你办公室见你好吗?   10. Do you mind if I call on you this afternoon?   今天下午我找你,你介意吗?
  11 .Will it be convenient if I call on you at ten tomorrow morning?   明天早上十点钟我找你方便吗?   12. Would it be possible for me to talk to you in person about that?   我能不能和您本人谈谈那件事?   13. Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail?   我们能不能碰个面,再讨论一下这件事的细节?   14. Mr. Qin would like to make an appointment with you.   秦先生想和你约个时间见面。   15. I've something to tell you.   我有一些事情要告诉您。

  Michael: I had a great time on our last date.   Fiona:Me too.   Michael:What are you up to this weekend?   Fiona:Nothing.   Michael: Would you like to go skating?I was thinking of going out to the lake on 's great out you like to go with me?   Fiona:I'd love to ,but I don't care for skating very much.   Michael:'re a bunch of us going bowling on Sunday .Would you like to go ?   Fiona:I like bowling,but I prefer to be alone with you .   Michael:Would you like to go dancing tonight?   Fiona:I don't feel like going out tonight; I'm way too tired .I miss you ,sweetheart.   Michael:I miss you too. Then tell me where you'd like to go on our next date.   Fiona:How about the seaside?   Michael:Anything yo say,honey.   Fiona:Are you busy on the 24th?   Michael:The 24th...I have time, but I can't wait that 'm dying to see you .Let's make it another time.   Fiona:Ok.
  迈克尔:我们上次约会我过得很开心。   菲奥娜:我也是。   迈克尔:这个周末你有什么事吗?   菲奥娜:没什么事。   迈克尔:你想去滑冰吗?我想周六去湖边。那儿棒极了。你想跟我一起去吗?   菲奥娜:我想去,但我不是那么喜欢滑冰。   迈克尔:好吧。周日我们一帮人要去打保龄。你想去吗?   菲奥娜:我喜欢打保龄,不过还是更喜欢和你单独呆在一起。   迈克尔:你想今晚跳舞去吗?   菲奥娜:我今晚不想出去,我特别累。我想你,亲爱的。   迈克尔:我也想你。那你告诉我下次我们约会你想去哪儿?   菲奥娜:海边怎么样?   迈克尔:你说什么都行,亲爱的。   菲奥娜:二十四号你吗?   迈克尔:二十四号.....我有时间,可是我等不了那么长时间。我太想见你了。咱们换个时间吧。   菲奥娜:好的。