

作者:qxsi   2022-07-09 06:46:06  点击:28

未认证 谨防假冒!


  很久以来外滩被认为是上海的象征。20世纪90年代得以修复,外滩积聚了世界上的各种建筑风格,中间是上海第一任市长陈毅的塑像,旁边是上海人民英雄纪念碑,从外滩跨过黄浦江就是被誉为上海标志性建筑的东方明珠电视塔。   想要熟悉怎么用英语介绍外滩,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,江门美联英语小编为大家整理了一些怎么用英语介绍外滩的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。
  Can I take the window seat in case of car sickness?   我有点晕车,可以坐在靠窗户的座位上吗?   You are welcome to our “One-day Tour of Nanjing Road”!   欢迎参加我们的“南京路一日游”活动。   掌握了以上江门美联英语小编为您整理的怎么用英语介绍外滩的基本句型,那么就需要开始练习对话了,简单的练习英语对话能迅速增进英语口语能力。
  Wu Feng: Please look to the west. That is the world-renowned Bund.   Richard: What an imposing scene!   Wu Feng: Generally speaking, the Bund refers to the 24 buildings from No. I to No. 33 west of No. I East Zhongshan Road.   Richard: I see many of them bear western styles.   Wu Feng: Yes. Shanghai used to have a lot of foreign concessions before 1949. At that time, Shanghai was known as the “paradise of foreign adventurers”。 Many foreigners, mostly Europeans, came to try their luck here. That's why you see buildings of different architectural styles here, Spanish, Greek, Roman and Russian.   Richard: What are these buildings for today?   Wu Feng: To the north of the Waibaidu Bridge is the Shanghai building with the green pyramidal roof is the Peace Hotel. The one in classical architectural style is the office building of Pudong Development Bank and the one made of huge granite blocks is the office of the Shanghai Customs. You can see the big clock on top.   Richard: Yes, I do see that.   Wu Feng: These buildings look splendid at night when all lights are turned on. Sometimes there are also outdoor performances there as well.   Richard: I can imagine that.   Wu Feng: We can see that when we take the boat trip on the Huangpu River tonight.
  吴枫:现在请向西看,那就是世界闻名的外滩。   理查德:多美的景色啊!   吴枫:一般来说,外滩指中山东一路以西第1到第33号的24幢建筑。   理查德:我发现它们许多都带西方风格。   吴枫:是的。上海在1949年前有许多外国租界。在当时,上海被称作“外国冒险家的乐园”。许多外国人,大多数是欧洲人,到这里来碰运气。这就是为什么你们能看到各种不同风格的建筑物的原因。它们有西班牙式的、希腊式的、罗马式的和俄罗斯式的。   理查德:这些建筑现在都做什么用?   吴枫:外白渡桥北面的是上海大厦;有绿色金字塔顶的是和平饭店;具有古典建筑风格的是浦东发展银行;用巨大花岗石砌起来的是上海海关办公大楼。大家可以看到顶上的巨钟。   理查德:我看到了。   吴枫:晚上灯光照亮时,这些建筑漂亮极了,有时候那里还会有露天演出。   理查德:我可以想象到。   吴枫:我们今晚坐船游览黄浦江时可以看到。