

作者:qxsi   2022-07-09 07:13:02  点击:37

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  蜿蜒于中国北部崇山峻岭上的万里长城,是我国古代遗留下来的一座伟大的防御工程,它以其无比宏伟的雄姿久闻于世,并且成为我国名胜之首。   想要熟悉长城用英语怎么说,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,广州山木培训小编为大家整理了一些长城用英语怎么说的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。
  The Great Wall is one of the oldest artificial constructions in the world. about 2,700 years ago,during the Spring一Autumn and Warring States periods,the northern states of China began to build walls to prevent the nomadic tribes from invading from the the year 221 BC,after Emperor Qinshihuang unified the northern states of China,he connected all the individual walls and made them a long one. That's today's Great Wall.   长城是世界上古老的人工建筑之一。大约在2 700年前的春秋战国时代,北方各国为了防备邻国和北方游牧部落的入侵,开始建造城墙。到了公元前221年的时候,秦始皇统一了中国,把分散的城墙连接起来。这就是今天的长城。
  That's right. The view is really splendid.是的,景色瑰丽。   All I have to say is that it's a marvellous construction.   我要说的是长城是一座宏伟的建筑。   It's one of the greatest man-made works in the world,isn't it?   它是世界上伟大的人造工程之一,是吗?   掌握了以上广州山木培训小编为您整理的长城用英语怎么说的基本句型,那么就需要开始练习对话了,简单的练习英语对话能迅速增进英语口语能力。
  Liu Feng: “He who hasn't been to the Great Wall is not a true man. ”Have you ever heard it?   Lin Qing: Of course. It is a well-known Chinese saying, which means the Great Wall is the most famous in China, everybody should visit it.   Liu Feng: Perhaps. Do you know which pass on the Great Wall is the most famous?   Lin Qing:Shanhai Pass. It was called the No. I Pass in China.   Liu Feng: Right. Besides it, the Juyong Pass and the Jiayu Pass are also very famous.   Lin Qing:The two passes have their own features. The Juyong Pass was surrounded by the lush greenery of hills, and the Jiayu Pass was preserved almost completely. It was called “the Soul of the Great Wall”。   Liu Feng: Your knowledge is quite rich. I think the history of the Great Wall is the history of China's dynasties that rose and fell over 2,000 years.   Lin Qing: I think so. And the Great Wall is the Chinese people's pride.
  刘枫:“不到长城非好汉。”你知道这句话吗?   林清:当然知道。这是一句人人皆知的谚语,意思是长城在中国是知名的,每一个人都应该去参观。   刘枫:或许是吧。你知道长城上哪一个关隘知名吗?   林清:山海关,它被誉为天下第一关。   刘枫:对。除此之外,居庸关和嘉峪关也很知名。   林清:这两座关隘各有特色。居庸关被青翠的山林环抱。嘉峪关几乎被完整保存下来,有“长城之魄”之美称。   刘枫:你知道的挺多,我认为长城的历史就是中国王朝2 000多年兴衰发展的历史。   林清:我也这样认为,长城是中国人的骄傲。