

作者:qxsi   2022-07-09 10:40:33  点击:33

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  With the development of society, customs and habits have changed a lot. Is it a good or bad phenomenon?What' s your opinion?

  With the development of society, customs and habits have changed a lot. For example, Chinese people used to have the habit of calling on each other or exchanging presents during festivals, but with the modern conveniences and facilities such as the telephone and the computer and people' s greater concern for privacy, they would choose to communicate by telephone or e-mail now. Are these changes good or bad?
  People who oppose the changes hold that some long-cherished precious traditions are lost with the changes of customs and habits such as the above-mentioned examples. Despite the conveniences, modern technology also brings side effects. Modern people are more and more isolated and indifferent to each other. Furthermore, these people are worried that changes of customs and habits imply the betrayal of our forefathers, our past, and our history. They also point out that people are morally deteriorating with the loss of tradition. Material gains are much valued than spiritual ones, which may eventually give rise to a national crisis.
  Indeed, the changes of customs and habits have many disadvantages, but in the meantime there exist advantages to these changes. Firstly, some customs and habits came into being only because of people' s superstition and ignorance. This kind of customs has brought more harm than good to the society and the nation. The customs of giving lucky money in the Spring Festival and holding large dinner parties at wedding lay a heavy economic burden on people. Secondly, many old-fashioned customs do not respect human rights and distort human nature. Even today some Arabic countries still keep the customs of killing the female family members who are sexually abused by villains, for the disgrace they bring to the family.
  In conclusion, I think it is a good phenomenon that customs and habits have changed. New customs and habits can make people' s communication more efficient, and they allow people to communicate with each other in an equal, natural and simple manner. New customs and habits have created more opportunities for women such as education, employment and management. With the advance of society, all people will enjoy a better life.   广州启德教育资深老师认为,雅思范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以广州启德教育为您提供关于风俗习惯的雅思作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   随着社会的发展,风俗习惯也改变了许多。比如说,中国人过去常常在节日期间相互拜访或者互送礼物,但是有了现代的便利设备和设施,例如电话和电脑,还有人们对个人隐私的更多关注,人们现在会选择通过电话或电子邮件交流了。这些改变是好事还是坏事呢?
  总而言之,我认为风俗习惯的改变是一个好现象。新的风俗习惯可以使人们的交流更便捷,而且使人们平等、自然和朴素地相互交流。新的风俗习惯为女人创造了例如教育、工作和管理等越来越多的机会。随着社会的进步,所有人都将享受到更好的生活。   广州启德教育认为,雅思写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习。广州启德教育小编希望本篇关于风俗习惯的雅思作文范文能给大家有所启发。