

作者:qxsi   2022-07-10 00:05:41  点击:29

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  英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的英语口语,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习英语。北京美联英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:外贸业务员英语面试对话。   中国加入世贸组织以后,企业竞争国际化成为一个不可避免的趋势。企业国际化是其能够存活的重要手段之一,要求贸易人员除具有日常的听、说、写、译外语能力以外,并且要知道国际贸易知识、国际贸易谈判规则、国际经济法、销售技术等。在我国,贸易人员在数量上紧缺,达到国际标准的为数不多。   句子是英语对话的基础,北京美联英语为您整理外贸业务员英语面试对话的常用句型,掌握越多的句子,你的英语口语能力就越高。
  I have applied at the ABC Trading Corporation. The company is smaller than this company,but the work is very similar.   我向ABC贸易公司申请了职位。那家公司比这家小,但工作内容相似。   I am responsible for being the middleman between the foreign sellers and domestic buyers and collecting information about garments and textiles on the global markets.   我主要是作为国外卖家和国内买家之间的中间人。另外,我还负责搜集国际服装和纺织业的市场信息。   I am responsible for exporting light industrial machinery to some Asian and European countries.   我负责向一些亚洲和欧洲国家出口轻工业机械产品。   I graduated and got the degree of bachelor of economics from Xiamen University four years ago.   4年前我在厦门大学毕业,获得了经济学学士学位。   掌握了外贸业务员英语面试对话的句子,那么久需要赶紧对号入座,感受英语对话的魅力,这样才能加深对这个话题的理解。   Applicant: Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Black. I am coming in for an interview as requested.   Interviewer: Nice to meet you,Mr. Black. I am Barry Taylor,the Director of Personnel Department. Please take a seat.   Applicant : Thank you, Mr. Taylor.   Interviewer: Now let's get down to business. First of all, would you please tell me something about your education?   Applicant:All right, I graduated from Xiamen University four years ago with a bachelor of economics degree. My major was international trade.   Interviewer:You are working for an import and export company in Fu j ian now, right?   Applicant : That's right.   Interviewer : How long have you been there?   Applicant: More than four years. I have been working there since my graduation.   Interviewer:Your position and salary is still the same as four years ago, why?   Applicant: In fact, there have not been any changes in these past four years at this company. That is the main reason I decided to leave. I really want more responsibilities and challenges.   Interviewer: Our company offers lots of opportunities to capable employees.   Applicant : That's great.   Interviewer: What is your chief responsibility at your present work unit?   Applicant:l am responsible for being the middleman between the foreign sellers and domestic buyers and collecting information about garments and textiles on the global markets.   Interviewer:So you are familiar with all the procedures of both export trading and import trading.   Applicant : Very much.   Interviewer : Very good。   北京美联英语小编知道,有些同学对英语不是很明白,迟迟没有进入状态,小编在此为大家翻译外贸业务员英语面试对话,帮助大家加深了解。
  应试人:先生,很高兴见到你。我的名字叫布莱克,我按要求前来面试。   主试人:很高兴见到你,布莱克先生。我是人事部主任巴里·泰勒,请坐。   应试人:谢谢你,泰勒先生。   主试人:现在我们开始面试吧。首先,请说说你的受教育情况。   应试人:好的,4年前我在厦门大学毕业,获得了经济学学士学位,我学的专业是国际贸易。   主试人:你现在在福建的一家进出口公司工作,对吗?   应试人:对。   主试人:你在那里工作多久了?   应试人:4年多了,毕业后我就一直在那里工作。   主试人:4年来,你一直没有升职也没有加薪,为什么?   应试人:事实上,4年来,公司一直没有什么起色。这正是我决定要离开的主要原因。我想面对更多的责任和挑战。   主试人:对于有能力的职员,我们公司会提供很多机会。   应试人:那太好了。   主试人:你在现在的单位主要负责什么?   应试人:我主要是作为国外卖家和国内买家之间的中间人。另外,我还负责搜集国际服装和纺织业的市场信息。   主试人:这样说来,你对进口和出口贸易的程序都非常熟悉了。   应试人:非常熟。   主试人:太好了。