

作者:qxsi   2022-07-10 05:23:44  点击:30

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  英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的商务英语,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习商务英语。津桥外语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:折扣英语怎么说。   折扣是卖方给予买方的价格减让,国际贸易中所使用的折扣种类较多,除一般折扣外,还有为扩大销售而使用的数量折扣,以及为特殊目的而给予的特别折扣。   句子是英语对话的基础,津桥外语为您整理折扣英语怎么说的常用句型,掌握越多的句子,你的英语口语能力就越高。   We usually don't grant any discount for a small quantity.   通常对于小笔的订购我们是不给折扣的。   We've never granted such a big discount.   我们从来没有给过那么大的折扣。   We cannot grant any further discount.   我们不能再给任何折扣了。   All our prices are net. We don't give any cash discount.   我方所订价格均为净价。我们不给予任何现金折扣。   From all listed prices we allow a discount of 10 percent on orders received on or before 31 st May.   对于5月31日或在此之前收到的订单,我们都按价目单上的价格打9折。   We allow a cash discount of 20% on payments made within ten days.我们对10日内付现金给予20%的折扣。   We grant a discount of 2%for an order exceeding 200 tons.   超过200吨我们可以给2%的折扣。   掌握了折扣英语怎么说的句子,那么久需要赶紧对号入座,感受英语对话的魅力,这样才能加深对这个话题的理解。
  Henry:I'd like to talk about the problem of price with you.   Jack:I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.   Henry:Your products are very your price seems a little 'm wondering if you would agree to make a concession by allowing us a discount of 10 percent.   Jack:That seems to be a little 't know how we can make a profit with that number.   Henry:Well,if we promise future business-volume sales-that will slash your costs,right?   Jack:Yes,but it's hard to see how you can place such large could you turn over so many?Besides,even with volume sales,our costs won't go down so much.   Henry:Just what are you proposing?   Jack:We could take a cut on the price. But 10% would slash our profit. We suggest a compromise-5%.   Henry:That's a big change from 10% ! 5% is beyond our negotiating limit. Any other ideas?   Jack:A 5% discount is already substantial.   Henry: If that's the case, business is almost impossible.   Jack: How about 5% the first six months, and the second six months at 10%,with a guarantee of 3,000 units? It's the best we can do.   Henry:OK. Let's call it a deal.

  亨利:我想和您谈一下价格问题。   杰克:我愿意回答您的任何疑问。   亨利:你们的产品非常好。但是你们的价格似乎有点儿高。我想知道你们是否能同意做出一些让步,给我们10%的折扣。   杰克:10%的折扣似乎太高了。我不知道以这样的折扣我们该如何获取利润。   亨利:如果我们可以确保我们将来可以继续订货--大量销售,那将会降低你们的成本,不是吗?   杰克:是的,但是我们很难看出你们能订购那么多的货物。你们的营业额怎么能达到那么多呢?而且,即使是大量销售,我们的成本也不可能下降那么多。   亨利:那您有什么建议?   杰克:我们可以减价。但是10%会大大削减我们的利润。我们建议折中—5%。   亨利:和10%相差太远了!5%不在我们的讨论范围内。还有别的办法吗?   杰克:5%折扣已经不少了。   亨利:如果是那样的话,生意基本上是做不成了。   杰克:在确保订购3000套的前提下,前6个月5%的折扣,后6个月10%的折扣,怎么样?这是我们所能做的大让步了。   亨利:好吧。成交。   以上就是津桥外语小编为您整理的折扣英语怎么说,津桥外语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入津桥外语首页进行详细了解与咨询。