

作者:qxsi   2022-07-10 09:41:35  点击:30

未认证 谨防假冒!




  Excuse me,but which is the way to hospital?   请问哪条路到医院?   Excuse me,is this the right way to the stadium?   对不起,这条路是否到体育场?   Excuse me,can you tell me where the nearest post office is?   劳驾,请您告诉我近的邮局在什么地方?   Excuse me,could you tell me where there's a public telephone?   劳驾,请问哪儿有公用电话?   Which is the way to the city center?   到市中心该怎么走?   Will you kindly direct me to the Exhibition Center?   您可以指点我到展览中心去的路吗?   Is this right for railway station?   去火车站从这儿走,对吗?   Would you please tell me how to get to this address?   请问到这个地址怎么走?   How far is this address from here, please?   这个地址离这儿有多远?   I have lost my way. I have to go to the station.   我迷路了,我要去火车站。   Please tell me where the bus (trolleybus) stand is?   请告诉我公共汽车(无轨电车)站在哪里?   掌握了怎么用英语问路的句子,那么就需要赶紧对号入座,感受英语对话的魅力,这样才能加深对这个话题的理解。
  Woman: Good afternoon, Sir! Can you tell me where Yangmingshan is?   Man: It is in the north.   Woman: How long does it take to go there by bus?   Man: Where do you wish to go to?   Woman: Yangmingshan Park.   Man: Have you been to Peitou ? The scenery there is wonderful, you can take a hot spring bath there.   Woman: So I will miss a great opportunity if I don't go there.   Man: For sure, Peitou is just around Yangmingshan, you won't spend too much time to reach there.   Woman: Are there other places of interest to go to around Yangmingshan?   Man: Yes, you should visit the Central Movies Town and the National Palace Museum.   Woman: The place I want to go to is not very near, I think.   Man: To Tamshui?   Woman: That's it. That's the place I want to go to.   Man: Then you'll have to take the train.   Woman: Can I go by bus?   Man: Of course, you can go either by train or by bus.   Woman: I would like to go by bus.   Man: But it is better to go by train.   Woman: Why?   Man: Because the railway station is here, it is more convenient.   Woman: Thank you, sir.   Man: Don't mention it.

  女士:你好,先生,请你告诉我阳明山在哪里?   男士:它在北边。   女士:乘公共汽车到那里要多久?   男士:你想到什么地方去呢?   女士:阳明山公园。   男士:您去过北投吗?那里的风景很美,还可以洗一个温泉浴。   女士:听您这么说,不去玩一玩还真会错过呢。   男士:是呀!北投离阳明山很近,不用花太多时间就可到那儿。   女士:阳明山附近还有其他可去的地方吗?   男士:是的,还有中央影城和故宫博物院。   女士:我想去的那个地方不会很近的。   男士:到淡水?   女士:对,那是我要去的地方。   男士:那你就得乘火车去了。   女士:可以乘公共汽车去吗?   男士:当然,你可以乘火车去,也可乘公共汽车去。   女士:我想乘公共汽车去。   男士:但是,乘火车去好一些。   女士:为什么?   男士:因为火车站在这里,比较方便。   女士:谢谢你,先生。   男士:不客气。   以上就是广州韦博英语小编为您整理的怎么用英语问路,广州韦博英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入广州韦博英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。