

作者:qxsi   2022-07-11 01:50:55  点击:43

未认证 谨防假冒!



  Well, if I had a day off, I hope to go on a small road trip. I have a few ideas, but my wife and I haven' t decided exactly where to go.   What I do on that day obviously depends on the weather. If it' snice and warm outside, we can play in the water. This means that wecould have a water fight with squirt guns outside the house. Or wecould go to the ocean and splash in the water there. When it' s reallycold, we like to go can pay and go on man一made we like to grab a box and slide down the slippery slopes with theneighbourhood kids.   However, if it is a bad weather, we can just stay at home and play aboard game or watch a family video all together. Oh!We could buy ajigsaw puzzle and put it together on the kitchen table while justtalking to each other. It' s nice to work together as a team.   So no matter what I do, I hope to spend some quality time with myfamily even if it' s for a short time. I want to focus on the quality

  如果我可以休息一天,我希望能有一次小的驾车旅行。我对这方面有一些设想,但我妻子和我还没有明确计划具体去哪里。   旅行那天要做什么完全取决于当天的天气。如果外面风和日丽,我们可以在水里玩。我们可以在住所外面用水枪打水仗,或者我们可以去海边,玩踏浪。如果天气非常冷的话,我们就去坐雪橇。我们可以花钱去人造的雪坡,但我们更喜欢和邻居家的孩子一起抓着个大盒子从陡坡上急速滑下去的快感。   但是,如果天气很糟糕,我们只能待在家里,下棋,或者一起看家庭录影带。哦!我们可以买一个智力拼图玩具,把它放在餐桌上边聊天边一起拼图。合作的感觉非常好。   不论我做什么,我都希望比较好的时光与我的家人一起度过,就算时间很短也没关系。我更在乎时间的品质。
