

作者:qxsi   2022-07-11 02:27:58  点击:39

未认证 谨防假冒!



  Pistols shooting, gun flashes, people screaming hysterically andrunning in panic, confusion everywhere. This was not a scene from aHollywood movie, but a recent shooting incident at an Americanschool. The most appalling thing was that the emotionless and brutalkiller was a teenager boy. This is a typical example of the increasingly disturbing panorama of juvenile crimes plaguing our society.   In the first place, the juvenile delinquency can be attributable to the rising divorce rate and family violence. It is reported that the juvenile delinquency is proportional to the high divorce rate. In such families,children are usually not properly taken care of, and to make things worse, their psychology may probably be , living in a family full of violence, children take it for granted that violence is the best way to resolve problems and they are likely to adopt the measure of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth".Thus, it is likely that such children may easily be led astray and even worse, they may embark on the criminal road.   What is more, the over-de锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion of violence on the media isanother vital cause to be considered. Nowadays, many programs arefull of crime, violence, pornography and bloody contents; they areoften glorified and polished to attract youngsters' eyes and to beconveniently imitated. Watching too many these programs, childrenmay become isolated, violent and aggressive. Thus, their committingcrime seems easy to be understood.   Given the seriousness of this problem, we have no alternatives but to adopt some feasible and effective measures. To begin with, relevant laws should be set down and implemented to crack down youthcrimes. What is more, the families should be reinforced and properguidance and support should be given to the youth. Finally, crime,violence, pornography and bloody contents shown in media shouldbe banned and the measures to reduce stress from both educationand society should be rendered to youngsters. only when thesemeasures are taken, will the rate of juvenile delinquency fall down.


  手枪扣响,火光闪过,人们发出歇斯底里的尖叫,惊慌逃跑,到处是一片混乱。这不是好莱坞大片中的情形,而是近在美国的一所中学里发生的枪击事件。令人震惊的是残忍无情的杀人犯居然是一个十几岁的孩子。这是困扰着我们社会的青少年犯罪所造成的日益混乱的场景中的一幕。   首先,青少年犯罪应归因于持续上升的离婚率和家庭暴力。据报道,青少年犯罪和高离婚率成正比。在这样的家庭,孩子们通常不会被细心照顾,更糟糕的是还会造成他们的心理扭曲。并且,生活在一个充满暴力的家庭,孩子们会理所当然地认为暴力是解决问题的比较好方式,他们也更愿意接受以牙还牙这种方式。因此,似乎这样的孩子更容易误入歧途,更糟糕的是,他们也许还会走上犯罪的道路。   另外,媒体上对暴力的过度报道描述,是另一个应该考虑的重要原因。现如今,许多犯罪、暴力、色情、血腥内容被美化鼓吹来吸引青少年的注意力,并被轻易模仿。孩子们看了太多这样的节目以至于变得孤僻、暴力、好斗。   因此,他们的犯罪行为便可以被理解了。考虑到问题的严重性,我们没有选择,必须采取一些可行并有效的办法。首先,应该设立并实施相关的法律来减少青少年犯罪。另外,需要巩固家庭并且应该给青少年提供合理的确保和支持。后,犯罪、暴力、色情、血腥等内容应该在媒体上禁止播放并且采取措施减少教育和社会给青少年带来的压力。只有采取这些办法,青少年犯罪率才会下降。
