

作者:qxsi   2022-07-11 02:41:59  点击:22

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  In the past, only rich people could often travel. However, in recentyears, even ordinary people can have money and time to travel outand even travel abroad. What factors lead to this phenomenon andwhat advantages traveling can bring travelers have become a concernto many people.   In my opinion, the following reasons should be taken intoconsideration. The first reason is that with the development ofeconomy, people's income increases sharply. It is commonly acceptedthat people earn more money, so they can afford the expenses oftraveling. Furthermore, the price of traveling has been falling because of the fierce competition among travel companies. Another reason is that with the development of technology, more and more machines replace human labor. In other words, people enjoy more and more free time and they have more leisure time to go out to who believe that traveling brings travelers a lot of advantages give their reasons as follows. In the first place, traveling is beneficial to people's psychological health because it is a wonderful stress reliever. Researches reveal that fresh air and clear effects on our mental health and traveling makes water have positive our life pleasant and colorful. In the second place, it can broaden our horizons. It is well known that the knowledge which is acquired in other places helps us to become more open一minded. In addition, we can have opportunities to know different culture and make friends with people from different cultural backgrounds.   In short, there are many reasons why people travel more than is more, traveling can bring travelers a lot of benefits.


  长久以来,旅行一直是富人的特权。然而,近几年,普通人也有了充足的资金和时间用于旅行,有些甚至走出了国门。到底是什么原因导致这种现象出现,旅行究竟能给旅行者带来什么样的益处?这些问题已经成为了人们日益关注的话题。   我认为我们可以试着从以下几个方面来考虑。第一,随着经济的发展,人们的收入日益增多。人们赚的钱多了自然就能支付差旅费用,这一点理所当然。不仅如此,旅游公司竞争激烈,这导致了旅行费用一直下滑。另外一个重要原因是随着科学技术的不断发展,越来越多的机器已经取代了人工劳动。换句话来说,人们可支配的时间变多了,大家都可以利用闲暇时间外出旅行了。那些认为旅行能够给我们带来好处的人们提出了以下原因。第一,旅行对于人们的身心健康大有裨益,因为旅行可以大大地减轻人们的压力。研究人员发现新鲜的空气和纯净的水对我们的身心健康有很多积极的影响,并且使我们的生活也变得丰富多彩。第二,旅行能够拓宽我们的视野。众所周知,我们在旅途中所获得新知识能使我们更加开明。除此之外,我们通过旅行还能结交五湖四海的朋友。   总之,为什么人们比过去旅行更多有很多原因。而且,旅行带给旅行者很多好处。
