

作者:qxsi   2022-07-11 16:56:09  点击:27

未认证 谨防假冒!


  这是一篇比较特殊的应用文体式,内容上比较新颖,但不可也不必在构思上走弯路。总体来讲,还是属于咨询性质一类的。   第一段:首先,要道出咨询的内容,说明有意资助偏远地区的孩子,并想获得一些符合条件的孩子的资料。   第二段:列出两个主要条件,并且在第二个条件中点名资助对象是女孩,巧妙地把我们“一句话”技巧用起来,用了一个鲜明的数据来支持条件列举的理由,具有一定的冲击力。   第三段:表达资助希望工程的信心和决心。
  Dear Sir/Madam   1 am writing this letter in the hone that you can provide me with how to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. And I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding such a child who has met the following requirements.   To begin with,the child should come from a poor family who's unable to complete his or her primary or middle school education. Moreover,if possible,I'd prefer the candidate to be a girl. The last year witnessed 35% girls being forced to drop school in the remote areas of China.   I'd like to give the candidate my financial support annually until he orshe graduates from college. Your prompt reply to this letter would be highly appreciated. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.    Your sinecerely,    Li Ming

  亲爱的女士或先生:   我写这封信的目的主要是希望您能向我提供关于如何向希望工程捐款以资助偏远地区儿童的信息。如果您能给我提供一个能满足下列条件的孩子的信息的话,我将不胜感激。   首先,这个孩子是由于家庭贫寒而无法完成小学或中学学业。而且,如果有可能的话,我希望资助个女孩。因为在中国偏远地区,去年有35%的女孩被迫辍学。   我会资助这名学生直至她大学毕业。您的及时回复将令我不胜感激。我期待着尽快收到您的答复。    您真诚的,    李明
